Kotlin Control Flow

Kotlin Control Flow Statements It is used to control the flow of program structure, following types of expression in kotlin.

  • if Expression
  • if-else expression
  • if-else if-else ladder expression
  • nested if expression

if Expression : if the condition of if block is true than if block executes.


  // if condition is true this block will be executed

fun main(args: Array<String>){
   var a = 62
   var b = 17 
       // if condition is true this block will be executed
       println("a is gretor than b")
a is gretor than b

if-else Expression : if condition of If block is true than if block will be executed otherwise else block will be executed.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {  
        val a = 62 
        val b = 17  
        val result = if (a > b) {  
            "$a is greater than $b"  
        } else {  
            "$b is greater than $b"  
62 is greater than 17

if-else if-else Ladder Expression : if expression is true so only  if block executes if returns false then  if else if condition checks if true only else if block executes or returns false else block executes. let’s take an example.

fun main() {  
        val a = 62 
        if(a == 12){
           println("a is 12")
        }else if(a == 25){
           println("a is 25")           
           println("a is not there")           

Nested if Expression


if( condition1) {

   //  it Executes when condition1  is true 
   if(boolean_expression 2) {
     //  it Executes when condition2  is true 
fun main() {  
        val a = 62 
        if(a < 100){
            if(a == 62)
           println("a is 62")
            println("a is not there")
a is 62