Java List

The List interface is part of the Java Collections Framework and extends the Collection interface. It is an ordered collection (sequence) that allows duplicate elements.The List interface provides methods to…


Java Singleton Class

What is a Singleton pattern? The Singleton pattern is a design pattern that ensures a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to that instance.…


Java Generic Interfaces

A generic interface is an interface that declares one or more type parameters, allowing the interface to work with different types. The syntax for declaring a generic interface is similar…


Java Lambda Expressions

Prerequisites: Functional Interfaces: Introduction to Java lambdas Lambda expressions in Java are used to provide a concise way to implement functional interfaces, which are interfaces with a single abstract method.…

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Java Functional Interface

It’s an interface with just only one abstract method. it can have any number of default or static methods . lambdas can only operate on functional interface. it is also…


Java Anonymous Inner Class

A nested class doesn't have any name is Known as anonymous inner class. anonymous inner class can be used in two ways 1. for overriding purpose If the purpose of…