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Higher order function

In Kotlin, a higher-order function is a function that takes one or more functions as arguments, or returns a function as its result. It enables you to treat functions as first-class citizens, meaning you can use them just like any other values, such as integers or strings.

Passing lambda expression as a parameter to Higher-Order Function –

Two types of lambda you can passed

  1. Lambda which returns Unit type
  2. Lambda  which return any value like String,Integer etc.

1.  lambda expression returns nothing

var lambda = {
    println("\nHello world")
fun highOrderFun( lmbd : () ->Unit){
    // lmbd()
    lmbd.invoke() // also calling function using invoke

fun main() {
   highOrderFun(lambda) // Hello world

2. lambda expression which returns Integer value

val lambda2 = { x:Int, y:Int -> x * y } 

fun highOrderFun2(lmbd :(Int, Int) -> Int){
    val r = lmbd.invoke(10,3)

fun main() {
    highOrderFun2 (lambda2) // 30 

Passing function as a parameter to Higher-Order function :

// function which returns nothing
fun f1(s:String):Unit{
// function which returns nothing
fun f2(i1:Int, i2:Int):Int{
return i1+i2
fun main() {

higherOrderFun3(12,2, "Hello world", ::f1,::f2)// passing f1 f2 function reference

val square = higherOrderFun4()
print("\n" + square(12,10)) // 93

// passing function
fun higherOrderFun3(x:Int,y:Int,str:String, l1:(String) ->Unit, l2 :(Int,Int) ->Int){
val r= l2.invoke(x, y)
print("\n $r")
l1.invoke("\n $str") // Hello world

// return another function from higher order function
fun higherOrderFun4(): ((Int, Int) -> Int){
return ::f2
Hello world

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